You don’t have to keep going there
To the stream of thoughts, that provides an immediate paper-thin promise of safety
Experts at knowing exactly what ideas we need to propagate, to feel secure
Planting seeds in the mind, may lead us to walking in fields of flowers
But those flowers can become poisonous if we keep picking them
Because the concept of safety is short lived in the mind
It’s not long before we are reaching for another concept to satiate our desperation
How do we get out of this muddy path?
Is it even possible?
If safety isn’t living in the mind, then where does it live?
When you walk in those fields of flowers
Do you remember seeing a little path leading somewhere unknown?
A path, that seemed quite beautiful but not familiar?
Follow me…
I know it’s tempting to plant seeds here
But do not fear, as they do not grow
The moment you choose to plant a seed
You will find yourself back in your field
Now you know there’s another place
A quiet, empty place filled with everything
A place, where nothing is required of you
A deeply fertile sanctuary that can hold you
There, you will find safety
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